Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dear President Obama

I found this very interesting and heart felt article reaching out to President Obama, asking him to please stop the madness where medical marijuana is concerned. Here is a short excerpt from the article and link to the whole article too.

"And what about the parents of the children who have died awaiting access, Mr. President? Would you tell a Dorito joke to Phil and Paula Joana, whose beautiful daughter Sabina died while she waited for the opportunity to see if her intractable epilepsy would respond to cannabis therapy? While the Joanas watch other families of epileptic children celebrate weeks, months, or even years seizure-free using cannabis, knowing they have buried their daughter, could you look them in the eye and tell them that cannabis reform should not be a priority? As a parent, you should know better, and you should be ashamed."


Sunday, February 15, 2015

HEMP HEALS! A Family in Wisconsin Went the Hemp CBD Route... See what happened!

This is amazing. There are those out there that say the hemp plant and the CBD extracted from it do not have the same healing properties as the CBD extracted from its cousin the marijuana plant. I think this family in Wisconsin might disagree with them. Read more here: http://www.kare11.com/story/news/health/2015/02/12/waiting-for-medical-marijuana-river-falls-family-explores-healing-powers-of-hemp/23331003/

Purchase your legal hemp based CBD Products here: www.naturalwellnesscbd.com

10 Interesting Things about Hemp

This country was founded on hemp and it will rise up with hemp again. Here are 10 "Eye Opening Facts" about this incredible plant!


Buy your legal hemp based CBD products here: www.naturalwellnesscbd.com

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Study Shows Alzheimer's Might be Caused by Loss of Cannabinoids

As more and more research is coming out, we are finding a wealth of information on the Cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, and even in our own bodies. Here is a link to this very interesting article, and within the article is more links to other studies.


You can purchase your legal CBD Oils and other related hemp products here: www.naturalwellnesscbd.com

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hemp Oil is Curing Cancer???

Here is a very interesting article and video about how hemp oil is curing cancer. Dr. William Courtney provides clear evidence. I am sure there are many more cases of this out there, that we will start to hear about in the next few years.


Get your LEGAL CBD Oils here: www.naturalwellnesscbd.com OR www.naturalwellnesscbdoil.com