Monday, December 15, 2014

Hemp Oil Extract CBD Used as an Alternative to Treat Cancer

Here is an incredible story about little girl who is using CBD Oils to treat her cancer. AMAZING!

Get your LEGAL CBD Oils here: OR

Friday, December 12, 2014


Do you have questions about Cannabinoids but don't know where to look? Here is a list of 625 peer reviewed research studies on the subject matter.

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Parkinson's Patients Respond Favorably to Cannabis Therapy

Here is just more evidence that CBDs have medical benefits:

"Patients with Parkison’s disease report significant improvement following cannabinoid therapy. Writing in September in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, investigators at the University of São Paulo in Brazil reported on the efficacy of the plant cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) versus placebo in 21 subjects with Parkinson's. Authors reported that the administration of 300 mg doses of CBD per day was associated with "significantly different mean total scores" in subjects' well-being and quality of life compared to placebo."

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

3 Year Old's Leukemia is in Remission. Uses CBD Oils.

" Many researchers believe CBD is one of the compounds in marijuana that has medicinal benefits. According to the National Cancer Institute, it's thought to have significant analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor activity without the psychoactive effect."

Taken from a CNN Special Report, this article and video outlines the case of Landon Riddle. This little boy suffering from Leukemia was given only an 8% chance of survival.

Read the entire article and see the video here:

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Kentucky Joins in on the Hemp Revolution

Kentucky is looking to expand the growth of its hemp industry. Read more about it here below.

Coming Soon! Natural Wellness CBD Co-op! Email for more details.

Congress Blocks Feds From Targeting Medical Marijuana, Hemp Cultivation

The fight against hemp prohibition is on. While some still believe the propaganda they have been targeted with since birth, others have looked into the research and see the incredible value of the medical marijuana programs popping up all over the United States. Heck, for the first time even Congress is stepping up to do something. Every road traveled had its first steps. 

“The enactment of this legislation will mark the first time in decades that the federal government has curtailed its oppressive prohibition of marijuana and has instead taken an approach to respect the many states that have permitted the use of medical marijuana to some degree," Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.)"

Read the whole article here:

Get your LEGAL CBD Oils here: OR

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tennessee’s New CBD Study Law

Hey Tennessee! If you are looking for some information on the legality of CBD and how things are progressing, check out this information:

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Cannabidiol-enriched Cannabis use in Pediatric Treatment-resistant Epilepsy.

Wow! Straight out of the parents mouth. "Sixteen (84%) of the 19 parents reported a reduction in their child's seizure frequency while taking cannabidiol-enriched cannabis"

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A Statement from Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CBD - Watch Video Here!

This is an incredible video. If you had any concerns about CBD, hopefully this good doctor will alleviate that for you! Thank you Doctor Gupta!

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Is CBD Oil Already Legal?

This is most certainly the question of the day, every day now. Is CBD Oil Legal in all 50 States, and the answer is YES. Derived hemp is NOT marijuana and it has been imported from Europe for years now.

Here is a link to a great article that explains it quite well:

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Monday, December 8, 2014

Hemp for Victory 1942 U.S. Department of Agriculture

Wow. Isn't it crazy how the U.S. Government can use hemp to help with the efforts during WWII but somehow in this modern era, we are not using it... Progress or Digression. Let's move the fight for Hemp Victory back to the United States. It is a valuable resource and a cash crop. Bring hemp back, bring America back.

Coming Soon! Natural Wellness CBD Co-op! Email for more details.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Alright ladies and gents listen up.  This is about to be a fun journey for all of us; so for the purpose of this blog ill play the role of Professor Hemping Hands. (Don't be so serious).

The first thing I want to touch on for those of us out there interested in the business,  or just a supporter of it's magnificence. In this battle we so naively wage against the federal government on the matter of drugs; information is our greatest weapon.

The world of cannabidol oils is only just beginning to reach the beginning of its potential.  Multiple universities nation wide are conducting studies on the use of cbd  concentrates against a variety of different diseases and ailments.

Ohhh no.  I think we are getting to an important part...

Hemp VS  Cannabis

There is one important tool I want to leave with all of you green beans out there.  The difference between hemp and marijuana based oils is a crucial detail.

Believe you and me,  I wish I could click my heals together and bam! The legal standing for marijuana would be changed nation wide.


The biggest thing to face is that many of our great states are behind the times and won't be changing their ways just yet.

No matter how genetically supreme you tweak your favourite strain of bud to be rich in cbd,  it's still going to have well over the legal limit of THC to be legal nation wide......


HERE is the best part of it.  Hemp at its heaviest dose of THC is still below 0.8%. So guess what that means....

Just in case you're still behind the class, I'll break it down.  Hemp is the smartest,  safest,  and most efficient way to provide the world with one of the greatest medical discoveries in history.

This was just a brief introductory to much more to come.  All jokes aside I strongly recommend you take this and do your on research.  You can never have to much knowledge when trying to change the world.

-Professor Hemping Hands

Troubles with Public Speaking?

If you have social anxiety, you might have just found the cure. Do you find yourself nervous around big crowds? You can't get stoned because that would make you paranoid right? How about you remove the "high" and just keep the "relax?"

"Cannabidiol (CBD), one major non-psychotomimetic compound of the cannabis sativa plant, has shown anxiolytic effects both in humans and in animals."

Here is something endorsed by the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health:

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Congratulations to Tennessee on its Reclassification of Industrial Hemp

Congratulations to the State of Tennessee on its forward progress in the fight for Industrial Hemp and medical cannabis. Although they are not ready for immediate cultivation, the road has been paved and another small victory has been achieved.

"The 108th General Assembly enacted Public Chapter 916 regarding the growing of industrial hemp in Tennessee. The Act removes industrial hemp from the definition of marijuana in the criminal code. "

Read More Here: 

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What is Cannabidiol CBD?

With all the changes in the marijuana and hemp laws across the United States, many folks are beginning to ask, is CBD legal, and why. Here is a fantastic article that will help you better understand Cannabidiol and its relationship to "medical marijuana."

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Cannabinoids Proven to Enhance Lung Function

I always wondered why smoking cigarettes could kill you, but smoking cannabis could cure you. I guess it's not so much in the smoke as it is in the ingredients. No Nicotine, Fiberglass etc. Organic Ingredients only.

Check out this research on how cannabis can ENHANCE lung function.

Coming Soon! Natural Wellness CBD Co-op! Email for more details.

They Knew about the Benefits of Cannabis in 1947

The benefits of Cannabis, CBD's and THC is nothing new. Read more here:

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A Statement from the Epilepsy Foundation

You know things are serious, and real when the Epilepsy Foundation is calling out for more research and access to medical marijuana. CBD Oils are only the beginning.

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The Role of Cannabis in Seizures and Epilepsy

Just what is it about cannabis that is treating seizures and Epilepsy?

Here is a great article that tells you about the types of seizures, syndroms and treatment options. If you or someone you know is suffering from any medical condition, I recommend looking into cannabis treatment. It may or may not cure everything, but we certainly won't know until we open up more research studies that look into what it can do, instead of what it can't.

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The Fight Against Alzheimers Disease

At some point in our lives, we have all known someone who has had the onset of Alzheimer's Disease. We sit by and watch them slowly deteriorate until they no longer know their loved ones, and just sit aimlessly every day, waiting to die. New research is telling us that we might have something to help. I can tell you one thing, trying to treat it this way most certainly will not hurt.

Here is a link to more about Cannabis and Alzheimer's Disease:

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Do You Know About Charlotte Fiji?

Do you know the story about Charlotte Fiji, the little girl who has been "cured" of her seizures by CBD oil? "Charlotte's Web" as it is called is a specific strain of cannabis which is very high in CBD and extremely low in THC. In September of 2014, it was reported to have less a third of one percent THC and was classified as a "hemp food."

Here is a Wiki link to more about Charlotte:

Here is more detailed information about the strain:

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Are CBD and THC the Same Thing?

No, they are different compounds. CBD and THC are both cannabinoids, but THC is the cannabinoid that gets you “high” or “stoned.” CBD is not psychoactive like THC, meaning it won’t get you “high.”

Read more here: 

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